Home sweet….

I`m back in Berlin since three months…my normal Berlinliferoutine caught me again quite fast…life during the tour was more fun 😉

Eine Empfehlung zur Übersetzungen der sieben gängigsten europäischen Sprachen: Deepl.com liefert sehr gute, lesbare Übersetzungsergebnisse!

A recomendation for translating the seven most common european languages: Deepl.com delivers amazing good readable translating results!

Concerning the Tour I think this will be the last entry. Maybe I´m using this page to upload pictures I´ll take in Berlin. And if I have the possibility to go on another long trip this will be the adress I´m using to write about it!

Last but not least I thank Petra, Ingrid and David for there financial support before the tour, to prepare everything or for saving me from being broke. Also a big big thank you to all my hosts in those past fifteen months and almost 13000 km I´ve stayed at. Wether they me over Warmshowers or I met them by coincidence and they where so kind/ helpful for hosting me. Abdullah in Rabat, Tamer in Istanbul – you´re wonderful! Bahar in Bodrum, Wiebke in Portugal and all the other ones whose names I have forgotten to mention. You´re all amazing. I deeply thank all of you.

Here are some leftover pics from the Tour that I haven’t published yet but think are worth to be seen.

This is the route I cycled in almost fifteen months minus the two months of surfing in Imsouane, the month in Istanbul and some other minor stayings on the road. The screenshots I took from the marvelous navigation App Osmand+ It has been the perfect companion for my tour and it helped me a lot in many ways!

This is the video showing me in a supermarket in Tours, loosing my wallet after beeing on the road for „just“ one month. Normally this would have ment the end of the trip… The whole story is written further down… It´s just one example for the strange things I experienced during the tour. The video was taken by the surveillance camera in the supermarket. When I´m old it´s a funny memory I can show my grandchildren 😉

Sully sur Loire…360 days earlier I passed the first time the town…wow almost exactly one year….



Drones at the Bafa Gölü… a lake between Izmir and Bodrum and close to Milet. I fell in L.O.V.E. with that place.


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Vielleicht schreib ich später was über mich.

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